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Press releases

Latest news and company press releases. Here you will find all the information that may be of interest about CELSA Group™.

Celsa Group plans to increase its share capital by 166 million euros to invest in operational improvements

The new development of the governing bodies gives continuity to the transformation already initiated at…

Celsa Holds Ordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting at Castellbisbal Headquarters

The new development of the governing bodies gives continuity to the transformation already initiated at…

CELSA Group starts a new era with a new management and consolidated accounts without qualifications

The new development of the governing bodies gives continuity to the transformation already initiated at…

Redes Sociales

24 Feb
Windparks offer the best #Energy ⚡️ to fight against #ClimateChange. Did you know that our Wrought Steel Product Division manufactures parts for energy generation, whether it's wind, hydroelectric or gas + INFO:
24 Feb
Los parques eólicos ofrecen la mejor #Energia para luchar contra el #CambioClimatico. Sabías que nuestra división de productos de acero forjado fabrica piezas para la generación de energía, ya sea eólica, hidroeléctrica o gas? +INFO en la bio.


Con la finalidad de acercarnos a los medios y facilitar su faena, adjuntamos un dossier informativo con contenido de la compañía, así como logotipos y material gráfico. Con estos documentos contaréis con la información más actualizada de CELSA Group™ para los medios.

Logotipo de CELSA Group ™ disponible en varios formatos (JPG, EPS, PNG, SVG) para hacer uso en medios.

Material gráfico
Material gráfico de imágenes y vídeos para conocer más de cerca la CELSA Group™ y nuestras actividades.

Documentos corporativos
En documentos corporativos encontraréis documentos de la compañía de interés para medios.

IESE Chair of Competitiveness in Manufacturing

The CELSA Chair of Competitiveness in Manufacturing of IESE aims to develop research, generate ideas and disseminate knowledge around competitiveness in the industrial sector. Because of this commitment, and its concern for the industrial decapitalization of the country, the CELSA Chair of IESE develops powerful research on the industrial sector and its competitiveness. Also, the Group has rewarded the best factories in our country since 2009.

The main objectives of the chair are to:

• Encourage interest in the manufacturing industry.
• Develop teaching material for senior management courses.
• Organize national and international seminars
• Disseminate the role of industry in the country's economy among the media.
• Promote good industrial practices through the creation of an annual prize.
• Collaborate with other international centers in the generation of ideas and dissemination of knowledge about the manufacturing industry.

More information:

CELSA Group™ Value Awards

Since our inception, CELSA Group™ has directed its culture towards a global commitment to people. The Value Awards are prizes that are linked to the behavior and actions within the Group. They highlight and recognize the attitudes of those people who in their day to day promote the values of the Group and act in favor of our culture. All this allows us to reinforce our identity and enhance what makes us unique, our values.

· Honesty
· Humility
· Creative perseverance
· Inconformity / Innovation
· Teamwork
· Passion

Awards and recognitions of CELSA Group ™
For CELSA Group ™ recognitions are a fundamental aspect and an opportunity to value all those initiatives and attitudes that make the Group a better place. The awards allow us to recognize the people’s efforts and value those ideas that have had a direct impact on the Group and have helped us grow every day. The prizes awarded also allow us to highlight the most human factor of our team and highlight those attitudes that most identify with our values. For CELSA Group ™, the acknowledgments are a source of pride and a great reason to honestly thank people of the Group for their good work and dedication.

The “Celsis” are corporate coins that are awarded to the winners and finalists of the CELSA Group ™ awards. With them you can exchange a series of products and services related to training, health, work-life balance or technology. This currency also can be exchanged for any kind of solidarity initiatives that may bring the company closer to its people.