
Press releases


CELSA Group collaborates as a partner in the «ESTIBA+ 2022» project for the digitalisation of Spanish ports, financed by the CDTI

  • The ESTIBA+ 2022 initiative develops industry 4.0 technologies for the digitization of ports and offers highly automated logistics

CELSA Group, through its innovation department, is one of the partners in the “ESTIBA+ 2022” project. The project seeks to develop industry 4.0 technologies and advanced wireless communications solutions to facilitate the automation of land transport vehicles involved in port operations (Smart Digital Ports), such as:

  • Technologies for the recognition of the environment
  • Technologies for connectivity
  • Technologies for automatic vehicle guidance
  • Technologies for an advanced IoT platform for Smart Ports

The expected benefits of the ESTIBA+2022 project concern various aspects of the port environment:

  • Reduction of transport costs
  • Optimization of port space
  • Minimization of the time spent on port operations
  • Better use of natural resources
  • Minimization of environmental impact and CO2 footprint

The ESTIBA+ 2022 project, led by Bergé, also has the participation of companies such as Dachser, Ficosa, Retevisión, ProDevelop and Eurohelp, as well as other research bodies as Tecnalia, Insia, and the Valencia Institute of Biomechanics. It has an estimated investment of 5 million euros, financed by the Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial (CDTI).

The CDTI, as a Public Business Entity, dependent on the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, in its call for the CIEN Strategic Programme has approved this initiative oriented towards the port area as it considers it to be of a competitive nature. The objective of the CIEN programme is to finance large industrial research projects developed in effective collaboration by business groups and aimed at carrying out planned research in strategic areas of the future and with potential international projection.

In the project, which is estimated to last 4 years, CELSA Group has provided one of its forklifts to be able to test these technologies in an industrial environment that will allow them to be validated.

The ESTIBA+ 2022 project is part of the CIEN 2018 Strategic Programme of CDTI, with reference number IDI-20181151.

Celsa Group is one of Europe’s leading steel mills in long steel products, the most diversified and vertically integrated. The multinational is formed by six large business groups with steel mills, rolling mills, processing plants, distribution companies, services, and recyclers. It is among the first positions in the following four categories: Reinforcing steel, Rods, Structural Sections, and Commercial Bars. It currently generates more than 9,894 direct and indirect jobs worldwide and is industrially present in Denmark, Spain, Finland, France, Norway, Poland, Sweden, and the United Kingdom.

Gemelo Digital