
Press releases


Celsa 2019 Annual Meetings, a time to reflect, share and recognize

  • Barcelona, March 01, 2019
    • The initiative, launched in 2015, has consolidated itself as a key date for more than 7,313 internal professionals of Celsa
    • During the day, the 2018-year milestones were assessed and the main guidelines for 2019 were shared. As culmination, a special chapter dedicated to recognizing the work of the Group’s professionals was developed
    • The 2019 Annual Meetings had 15% more attendance compared to the last edition

    Another year, the Celsa has celebrated its already traditional Annual Meetings, an initiative that the company launched in 2015 and which has become a key date for all the professionals that form the Group’s human team.

    The Annual Meetings represent a key moment of reflection on everything that happened during the past year, as well as the sharing of the main strategic lines of the Business Plan and the guidelines defined for this year. In the 2019 edition, the meetings had more than 2,000 participants, including attendees and staff who followed the event through the signal enabled via streaming.

    As usual, the calendar of meetings started at the end of January with the session held by CELSA Nordic Group and ended at the beginning of March with the meeting of the entire CELSA Barcelona Group team. Between both dates, the different companies of the Group – CELSA UK Group, CELSA Poland Group, CELSA France Group and Global Steel Wire Group – also had the opportunity to celebrate their respective versions of this important meeting point. All of them included the participation of Francesc Rubiralta, president of Celsa, and with the intervention of the managers of the different Business Units in each of the companies.

    Celsa is a family company, a fact that is especially evident in each edition of the Annual Meetings through the assistance of different members of the Rubiralta family. In addition, as is traditional, an important chapter dedicated to the people that make up the Group’s human team was developed during the meetings. In this way, the meetings served to recognize the Celsa professionals who have made a notable contribution to the success of the company.

    These awards are carried out each year through the delivery of the Safety Awards, aimed at the most important initiatives and attitudes regarding safety; the Values Awards, to recognize behaviors and attitudes aligned with the values of the Group; the Francisco Rubiralta Awards, which recognize projects or initiatives that have had a direct and significant impact on the Group’s results; and the Child Safety Awards, which serve to bring families closer to Celsa through a drawing contest aimed at the youngest children.

    The overall assessment of the Annual Meetings has been very positive, obtaining a score of 4.4 out of 5 in the total satisfaction surveys conducted.

    For more information:
    Javier González –
    93 419 06 30 / 637 038 698

  • Celsa Group_Global-Steel-WireAdvanced factories 2019